Parallel version of multilinear interpolation generator for function approximation

The primary method is ipol which dispatches to some other method. All the generated interpolants accept as an argument a matrix of column vectors. The generated functions also accept an argument threads=getOption('ipol.threads') to utilize more than one CPU if a matrix of column vectors is evaluated. The option ipol.threads is initialized from the environment variable IPOL_THREADS upon loading of the package. It defaults to 1.

interpolation(evalfun, grid_list, cores = detectCores(), int = FALSE, ...)



The objective function to be approximated.


A list for grid points (each element of list is a vector represents ticklabels on a dimension). The number of list elements are the dimension of function inputs.


The numbers of cores (threads) of your machine to conduct parallel computing.


Logical indicator. int = TRUE interpolant value multiplied by 10^7 then convert to interger to save memory. Original interpolant if int = FALSE.


Other inputs for objective functions to be passed through.


interpolation returns

  • value: A list of of length p corresponding to each variable. Returns NA for continuous variable; proportion of zeros for binary/truncated variables; the cumulative proportions of zeros and ones (e.g. first value is proportion of zeros, second value is proportion of zeros and ones) for ternary variable.

  • interpolant: An interpolant function generated by chebpol::chebpol for interplation.


The interpolants are ordinary R-objects and can be saved with save() and loaded later with load() or serialized/unserialized with other tools, just like any R-object. However, they contain calls to functions in the package, and while the author will make efforts to ensure that generated interpolants are compatible with future versions of ipol, I can issue no such absolute guarantee.

See also


grid_list = list(seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.5), seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.5))
objfun = function(x, y) {x^2 + sqrt(y)}
evalfun = function(X) {objfun(X[1], X[2])}
value = interpolation(evalfun = evalfun, grid_list = grid_list)$value
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> Loading required package: future
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
interpolant = interpolation(evalfun = evalfun, grid_list = grid_list)$interpolant
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced