Lecture 6: IS-LM Model

Mingze Huang


Exogenous and Endogenous variables in IS-LM Model

Recall the IS-LM Model:

\[ \begin{cases} Y^{r} = c_{0}+c_{1}(Y^{r}-T)+I(i)+G\\ \frac{M}{P}=Y^{r}\cdot L(i) \end{cases} \]

There are only two variables are endogenous (determined by the model itself): real GDP (\(Y^{r}\)) and interest rate (\(i\))

Other variables are given (exogenous, determined outside of the model):

Relation between Endogenous Variables in IS-LM Model

As we discussed before, IS-LM model is two equation, two unknown (endogenous variables) system.

Fiscal Policy on IS Curve

Assume government increase net taxes \(T\) (increase taxes or cut transfer payments), we see \(T\) only appears on IS relation: \(Y^{r} = c_{0}+c_{1}(Y^{r}-T)+I(i)+G\)

Rearrange it: \((1 - c_{1})Y^{r} = c_{0}-c_{1}T+I(i)+G\)

Apparently, for any interest rate \(i\), increase in \(T\) will decrease the right hand side of equation since \(c_{1}>0\). To hold the equality, left hand side should go down. Since \(1 - c_{1} > 0\), \(Y^{r}\) will go down. So that IS curve will shift to the left.

Fiscal Policy on IS-LM Curve

Now put the LM curve on, we can see the new cross point as new general equilibrium. The new equilibrium has lower interest rate (\(i\)) and lower output (\(Y^{r}\)).

The intuition starts from goods market (IS relation):

Fiscal Policy on IS-LM Curve

Then goes to financial market (LM relation):

In summary, net taxes (\(T\)) goes up, output (real GDP \(Y^{r}\)) and interest rate (\(i\)) goes down.

Also, disposable income (\(Y_{D}^{r}\)) and consumption (\(C\)) go down.

Question: government can choose government spending \(G\) through budget legislation process. What do you think about the effect of \(G\) on output (\(Y^{r}\)), interest rate (\(i\)), disposable income (\(Y_{D}^{r}\)) and consumption (\(C\))? Midterm Project

Monetary Policy on LM Curve

Assume federal reserve system increase money supply \(M\), we see \(M\) only appears on LM relation: \(\frac{M}{P}=Y^{r}\cdot L(i)\)

For any output \(Y^{r}\), increase in \(M\) will increase the left hand side of equation since aggregate price level \(P\) is assumed to be unchanged in short run. To hold the equality, left hand side should go up. Since \(L(\cdot)\) is some decreasing function, \(i\) should go down. So that LM curve will shift down.

Monetary Policy on IS-LM Curve

Now put the IS curve on, we can see the new cross point as new general equilibrium. The new equilibrium has lower interest rate (\(i\)) and higher output (\(Y^{r}\)).

Monetary Policy on IS-LM Curve

The intuition starts from financial market (LM relation):

Then goes to goods market (IS relation):

In summary, money supply (\(M\)) goes up, interest rate (\(i\)) goes down but output (real GDP \(Y^{r}\)) goes up.

Also, investment (\(I(i)\)), disposable income (\(Y_{D}^{r}\)) and consumption (\(C\)) goes up.