Lecture 5: Goods Market and Financial Market (continued)

Mingze Huang


The demand for money

Since money demand (\(M^{d}\)) (e.g. proportion of money vs. bonds) depends on transactions and interest rate (\(i\)), level of transactions depends on aggregate price level (\(P\)) and goods and services on the market (real GDP \(Y^{r}\)). It can be written as: \[ M^{d}=P\cdot Y^{r}\cdot \underset{(-)}{L(i)} \]

Alternatively you can rearrange it: \[ \frac{M^{d}}{P}=Y^{r}\cdot \underset{(-)}{L(i)} \] - Real money demand \(\frac{M^{d}}{P}\) is positive correlated with real GDP \(Y^{r}\) but negative correlated with interest rate \(i\).

The supply for money

This model assume central bank controls money supply, so money supply \(M\) is given (exogenous) by monetary policy.

By Federal reserve system’s definition, there are several standard measures of the money supply, including the monetary base, M1, and M2. US money supply


In equilibrium, money demand always equal to money supply. Therefore, \(M^{d}=M\).

Substitute \(M^{d}\) by \(M\) in money demand equation:

\[ \frac{M}{P}=Y^{r}\cdot \underset{(-)}{L(i)} \] - In equilibrium, real money supply (\(\frac{M}{P}\)) is equal to real GDP (\(Y^{r}\)) times some decreasing function of interest rate (\(L(i)\)).

IS relation and LM relation

In summary, the equilibrium condition for financial market:

Now recall IS relation in goods market, we can summarize as below:

Now the goal for economists is to connect IS and LM relation as a function system to explain macroeconomy.

IS relation and LM relation

Intuitively, Firms’ investment are restricted by borrowing cost (borrowing money from bank is similar to issuing corporate bonds to investor in economic sense).

Now IS relation becomes:

\[ Y^{r} = c_{0}+c_{1}(Y^{r}-T)+\underset{(-)}{I(i)}+G \] Together with LM relation:

\[ \begin{cases} Y^{r} = c_{0}+c_{1}(Y^{r}-T)+I(i)+G\\ \frac{M}{P}=Y^{r}\cdot L(i) \end{cases} \]

IS relation and LM relation

Rearrange IS equation:

\[ \begin{cases} (1 - c_{1})Y^{r} - c_{0} + c_{1}\cdot T - G = I(i)\\ \frac{M}{P}=Y^{r}\cdot L(i) \end{cases} \]

In summary, take other variables as given (exogenous):

The solution of this equation system is unique!

IS-LM Curve