Lecture 16: Monetary Policy and Labor Market Condition Changes in Medium Run (AS-AD Model)

Mingze Huang


Monetary Policy in Medium Run on AS-AD Model (Monetary Expansion)

Recall previous lectures:

Monetary Policy in Medium Run on AS-AD Model (Monetary Expansion)

Assume the economy starts on medium run equilibrium (labor market equilibrium, goods market equilibrium and financial market equilibrium hold simultaneously, expected price level equals to current price level and keep unchanged (\(P^{e}=P\)), Output level on natural output level (\(Y_{n}^{r}\)):

Question: How if central bank implements monetary contraction policy (reduces money supply)?

Effects on Natural Rate of Unemployment on Labor Market Equilibrium

Effects on Natural Rate of Unemployment on Labor Market Equilibrium

Effects on Natural Rate of Unemployment on AS-AD Model

In summary, higher mark-up \(\mu\) or higher catchall variable \(z\) will increase natural rate of unemployment.

Effects on Natural Rate of Unemployment on AS-AD Model

Unlike short run effect of fiscal policy and monetary policy (demand side change) on Aggregate Demand (AS) curve, the structural change in labor market will change equilibrium in medium run!

The effect of supply shock will be more persistent than demand shock! Policy makers have to go back to market structure in Microeconomics