Lecture 14: AS-AD Model (continued)

Mingze Huang


AS-AD Model in Short Run

Now let’s put Aggregate Supply (AS) curve and Aggregate Demand (AD) curve together: \[ \begin{cases} P= P^{e}(1+\mu)F(1-\frac{Y^{r}}{L},z) & \text{AS curve}\\ \frac{M}{P}=Y^{r}\cdot L(I^{-1}((1 - c_{1})Y^{r}+c_{1}T-c_{0}-G)) & \text{AD curve} \end{cases} \]

AS-AD Model in Short Run

Now we have a two-equation two-unknown (endogenous variable) system, which is called: AS-AD model.

For Aggregate Supply (AS) curve, there is a special case - labor market equilibrium - where:

AS-AD Model in Short Run

Thus, Aggregate Supply (AS) curve always passes through the labor market equilibrium point. However, labor market equilibrium may not hold in short run:

The solution of AS-AD model is the goods market and financial market equilibrium:

Thus, The intersection point of AS curve and AD curve satisfies both goods market equilibrium and financial market equilibrium simultaneously.

AS-AD Model in Medium Run

However, it doesn’t necessarily satisfy labor market equilibrium, since expected price level (\(P^{e}\)) can be different from current price level (\(P\)) and future price level (\(P'\)) in short run.

Workers will keep adjusting their expected price level (\(P^{e}\)) until it reaches labor market equilibrium where expected price level equal to current price level and future price level (e.g. no more change on price) and unemployment rate on natural rate of unemployment (\(u_{n}\)), output on natural output (\(Y_{n}^{r}\)).

Mathematically, it’s easy to show that the natural output \(Y_{n}^{r}\) is the same level as long as expected price level equals price level (\(P^{e}=P\)), no matter which price level it is at.

Recall Aggregate Supply curve: \(P= P^{e}(1+\mu)F(1-\frac{Y^{r}}{L},z)\)

When \(P^{e}=P\), then \(P^{e}\) and \(P\) cancel out: \(1= 1(1+\mu)F(1-\frac{Y_{n}^{r}}{L},z)\).

No matter what the number of \(P^{e}\) and \(P\) is, the natural output \(Y_{n}^{r}\) is the same as long as \(P^{e}=P\).

AS-AD Model from Short Run to Medium Run

AS-AD Model from Short Run to Medium Run

In short run, manipulate demand side may boost output (real GDP) level for a while. However, price and wage adjustment will push output level back to natural output level, with a higher price tag! See Stagflation (Wage-Price Spiral) in 1970s