Lecture 11: Aggregate Supply

Mingze Huang


Inflation and Expected Price Level

Recall labor market condition:

\[ \begin{cases} W=P\cdot F(u, z) & \text{wage-setting relation} \\ P=(1+\mu)W & \text{price-setting relation} \end{cases} \] The solution is that: equilibrium real wage \(\frac{W}{P}=\frac{1}{1+\mu}\) and equilibrium unemployment rate (natural rate of unemployment \(u_{n}\)) satisfies \(\frac{1}{1+\mu}=F(u_{n}, z)\).

Inflation and Expected Price Level

However, there is always an intertemporal decision making process in real life:

The modified version of labor market condition as follow:

\[ \begin{cases} W=P^{e}\cdot F(u, z) & \text{wage-setting relation} \\ P=(1+\mu)W & \text{price-setting relation} \end{cases} \]

Inflation and Expected Price Level

This modified labor market condition is more general:

Now since expected price level (\(P^{e}\)) is given by workers’ expectation (exogenous), wage-setting relation \(W=P^{e}\cdot F(u, z)\) no longer depends on current price level \(P\).

To simplify our analysis, plug wage-setting relation \(W=P^{e}\cdot F(u, z)\) into price-setting relation \(P=(1+\mu)W\):

\[ P=P^{e}\cdot (1+\mu)F(u, z) \]

It looks nice since we phased out labor market specific variable: nominal wage (\(W\)). But there is still another labor market specific variable: unemployment rate (\(u\)). If we can substitute out \(u\) by some way, that would be even better!

Employment and Output

Recall definition of unemployment rate: \(u=\frac{U}{L}=\frac{L-N}{L}=1-\frac{N}{L}\)

Rearranging it, we have: \(N=L(1-u)\).

Recall simplified production function \(Y^{r}=N\).

Now we do reverse engineering, \(u=1-\frac{N}{L}=1-\frac{Y^{r}}{L}\) and plug into our price-unemployment equation:\(P=P^{e}\cdot (1+\mu)F(u, z)\): \[ P\equiv P^{e}(1+\mu)F(1-\frac{Y^{r}}{L},z) \] - It implies that: we don’t necessarily deal with natural unemployment rate (\(u\)) directly; Instead, we have some relation between current price level (\(P\)) and output level (\(Y^{r}\)).

Aggregate Supply

Natural Employment and Natural Output

Now plug the equilibrium unemployment rate (natural rate of unemployment) in: \(N_{n}=L(1-u_{n})\).

Recall simplified production function \(Y^{r}=N\). Plug natural employment \(N_{n}\) in, we get \(Y_{n}^{r}=N_{n}\).

Since on labor market equilibrium:

The Aggregate Supply (AS) curve goes through labor market equilibrium point where \(P=P^{e}\) and \(Y^{r}=Y_{n}^{r}\).

Aggregate Supply

Aggregate Supply